Maybe I have a tecnofilia, `cause I love almost every little thing that can be connected, plugged o used near my computer, I could expend a lot on technology, (if my wallet could cover it) I could buy thing like cell phones, iPods, laptops, gaming stuff, plasma monitors, but as I can´t now, I really enjoy my own stuff. From a few months ago I’m falling in love more and more with my laptop; it´s not pretty cool, and pretty stylish, but at least it let me work without crashes, and I like that. I think it´s a very good machine, it let me do the things when I want to, and where I want to.
The thing that I like most is the fact that I can go anywhere, any place (with an electrical connection) and I can work with my things, at my own way, listening my music and killing the time in the things I enjoy such as illustration, drawings, reading news, searching videos and that is a huge benefit of having a personal laptop. I bought my laptop on march with my own money and that felts very good. Maybe that makes me love it more, cause it is a product of my work, and when you pay the price of your things you know how it worth any cent you pay for it.

1 comentario:
I most recognize, that I love my computer too. It`s something stranger, `cause is only a piece of material, but all that you say about his qualities, are true.
Is like my son, and I bought it with my own money too, one year ago.
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